Geography Models

H.Necessaire offers data models for geography data. Geo-Location, GPS Point, Geo-Area, Geo Address, etc.

Geography Models
Photo by GeoJango Maps / Unsplash
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Geography data such as location, address, country or area come into play extremely often in any project. Therefore H.Necessaire comes with data models for such data so that it's uniform across modules and projects.


class GeoLocation
  GeoAddress Address
  GpsPoint? GpsPosition
  GpsArea GpsArea
  Note[] TimeZones
  Note[] DialCodes
  Note[] Languages
  Note[] Currencies


class GeoAddress
  GeoAddressArea? Continent
  GeoAddressArea? Country
  GeoAddressArea? State
  GeoAddressArea? County
  GeoAddressArea? City
  GeoAddressArea? CityArea
  string ZipCode
  string StreetAddress
  Note[] Notes


struct GeoAddressArea
  string Name
  string Code


struct Note
  string ID
  string Value


struct GpsPoint
  double LatInDegrees
  double LngInDegrees
  double? AltFromSeaLevelInMeters


struct GpsLocation
  GpsPoint Point
  DateTime Timestamp
  double? GndAccuracyInMeters
  double? AltAccuracyInMeters
  double? HeadingInDegrees
  double? SpeedInMetersPerSecond


class GpsArea
  GpsPoint[] Pins

View full models on GitHub:

H.Necessaire/Src/H.Necessaire/H.Necessaire/Models/Geography at master · hinteadan/H.Necessaire
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for .NET - hinteadan/H.Necessaire