core Date and Time Derivative Models H.Necessaire provides models for handling periods of time and inexact times and dates.
core Caching with H.Necessaire Caching is often used in many scenarios for performance improvement and resource de-congestion.
core Debouncing & Throttling for taming high frequency code execution Debouncing and Throttling are two common strategies to tame the code execution that handles high frequency events.
core Resilient execution flow with H.Necessaire via OperationResult & safe execution extensions H.Necessaire offers a basic and simple resilience execution model via two paradigms. OperationResult & TryOrFailWithGrace.
core Logging with H.Necessaire Logging mechanism of H.Necessaire; logging is basic building block in any app, and therefore H.Necessaire tries to make it as painless and simple as possible.
core IoC via DI - Inversion of Control via Dependency Injection with H.Necessaire H.Necessaire's mechanism for Inversion of Control via Dependency Injection